Catholic Health Association of Manitoba

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We exist because we want a Canadian society that reaches out to every person who is suffering from illness, stigma, poverty or loneliness.

Inspired by the Gospel and grounded in shared beliefs and values, the Alliance is a forum for Catholic health and social services Sponsors in Canada, to exchange ideas and develop shared strategic initiatives that support their ability to strengthen the healing ministry of Jesus.

As a national organization, the Catholic Health Alliance of Canada (CHAC) unifies and strengthens the work and voice of Catholic health care across the county.  Our health organizations are unified in an unshakeable belief that Catholic health care starts with a spiritual purpose: a deep-rooted calling to recognize and serve each person as sacred human beings. 

The Alliance is comprised of 12 Sponsor* organizations. In Manitoba, they include the Réseau Compassion Network, the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate, and the Misericordia Hospital Corporation.  Together, these organizations sponsor approximately 100 Catholic hospitals, community health centres, nursing homes, and long-term care facilities throughout Canada.

Nationally, Catholic health care serves over 5 million Canadians each year and employs over 88,000 people. Our footprint is big. Our hearts are even bigger. And our belief that we are part of each other’s journey, there to support and transform one another, is the foundation it’s all built on.


The Alliance's Vision

Being called upon to lead, collaborate, innovate and influence to improve health care in Canada and serve where the needs are greatest – especially the poor, vulnerable and marginalized.

Values for the Alliance

Spirituality: Together we recognize and nurture the God-given creativity, love, and compassion that dwell in each of us.

Fidelity: Together we foster and strengthen the long tradition of Catholic health care in Canada in new and complex circumstances.

Solidarity: Together we work to share experiences, expertise and resources in a common commitment to Catholic health care in Canada.

Collaboration: We work in concert with others in promoting the common good, mindful of our commitment to act in communion with the Church.

Justice: Together we advocate for national health and social policy that ensures the respect and dignity due all persons.

Catholic Health Alliance of Canada website 

* Definition of Sponsor / Sponsorship - “Sponsorship of a health care ministry is a formal relationship between an authorized Catholic organization [juridic person in the Church] such as a religious congregation, diocesan Bishop or the Holy See (the Vatican), and a legally formed organization entered into for the sake of promoting and sustaining Christ’s healing ministry to people in need.”


At the heart of Catholic health care is a deep respect for the intrinsic value and dignity of every human being and an unwavering commitment to serving all people, from all backgrounds and faiths – especially society’s most vulnerable.

2024 NATIONAL CONFERENCE - May 08 - 10, 2024
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Conference theme: Get to the Heart of it:  Being - Caring - Doing
Meaningful Connections & Actions

To view the conference program, click HERE

To view the conference POSTER, click HERE

To register for the conference, click HERE

For Zoom housekeeping tips, click HERE


Our Catholic identity is grounded in a core belief that it is a privilege to attend to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of those we serve, offering them comfort, healing, and love. Throughout this challenging time, we have witnessed the tremendous depth and strength of our people and encountered stories of courage, hope, and resilience—stories that we can amplify during National Catholic Health Care Week that is held annually during the month of February to coincide with the World Day of the Sick.

National Catholic Health Care Week is a bold, unifying campaign to: 

  • Amplify our shared mission through a consistent, strong collective voice 
  • Showcase our role, value, and impact in local communities and across the country 
  • Demonstrate that we are people-focused, expert contributors to the health system 
  • Galvanize our stakeholders in conversation about Catholic health care.

Visit to read more.